2017 Annual Report, full version


      2017 Annual Report, full version
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      Document, PDF, A4


      2017 was a successful financial year for Suva, but also an intense and eventful one. The insurance benefits paid out were in line with our estimates. Our investments achieved an above-average performance of 7.8 per cent. Suva thus increased its financial coverage ratio from 136 per cent in the previous year to 143 per cent. All long-term obligations, in particular around 88,000 pensions, have solid cover and will remain secured even in the event of a financial crisis. The operating income of CHF 364 million was very pleasing.

      Our core business is at the heart of this, which covers everything we do in relation to compulsory accident insurance and military insurance. We also give particular attention to prevention. Our vision is to make work and leisure time safe. Further investment is required to profitably implement the new strategy. In 2017, Suva identified and implemented potential savings in order to provide the relevant resources.

      It is not only the change of strategy that is giving Suva a new direction. Digitalisation is also having a particularly strong impact on Suva, increasing the demands placed on staff and infrastructure. Technological progress requires flexibility. Only by developing constantly will we succeed in offering Swiss industry efficient, high-quality solutions in future too.

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