Directory: directives and standards for electrical equipment


      Index of valid directives and standards applied to electrical equipment
      Publication number
      Information medium
      Document, PDF, 5 pages, A4


      As a manufacturer, you are guided by innovative ideas and a high level of manufacturing quality. You are also obligated to adhere to directives in order to make sure your products are ready to launch on the European market. But which regulations apply?

      We can provide a range of support here, including with our directory of applicable directives and standards for electrical equipment. The overview contains the information you need for switches, gates, motor starters, control units and switching elements for low-voltage switching devices, as well as the safety regulations for electrical measurement, control, regulation and laboratory devices.

      This overview benefits you in the following ways:

      • It groups all of the key information together.
      • It is continually updated so you always have the latest information on the EU’s current directives and standards.

      The directives and standards detailed in this fact sheet are also published in the Official Journal of the European Union. The presumption of conformity applies here. This means that, as a manufacturer or distributor of electrical equipment, you have a higher degree of legal security if you take these directives and standards into account.

      You can order a copy of the European Standards (EN) from the electrosuisse online shop. For further information on the topic, please visit our Product certification  page.

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