Annual Report 2022
Suva and its employees are looking back on a challenging 2022. We started the reporting year with new structures and a digitalised claims management process – some 1,800 employees were directly impacted by these measures, but it was worth it. Suva has reached an important stage in the implementation of the "avance" strategy and is using more efficient and effective means to address customer needs, strengthening its customer service in the process. The year 2022 was an eventful one in which Suva achieved a net performance of -8.1 per cent. This loss on investment could be broadly compensated for by our existing value fluctuation reserves, which were amassed in previous years as a precaution. A positive underwriting result meant a negative overall operating income of CHF -152 million. You can find the annual financial statement and further information about our main activities of prevention, insurance and rehabilitation for the 2022 financial year in our annual report (PDF).